Zoysiagrass zoysia spp is a warm season turfgrass that has been used in arkansas since the 1950s and is still gaining popularity.
Zoysia grass care arkansas.
Increase your mowing height in summer months to reduce grass stress.
Zoysiagrass another very common grass type that thrives in central ar zoysia prefers full sun but unlike bermuda will tolerate some shade and shade loving varieties do exist.
The basic maintenance for zoysia lawns will be dependant upon soil fertility rainfall full sun or shadier area grown north or south.
Of lawn previous lawn care and other factors adjust these practices and dates to suit your home lawn.
Will help you care for your lawnthroughoutthe year.
Because everysite is different due to variations inlocation terrain soil type condition oflawn previous lawn care and other factors adjust these practices and datesto suit your home lawn.
Zoysia grasses are low slow growing sod forming grasses that make a dense wear resistant lawn.
Good soil fertility full sun high rainfall southern growing area better than average growth which will in turn needs to be mown more than northern cooler temps average rainfall less mowing.
Spp is a warm seasonturfgrass that has been usedin arkansas since the 1950s and.
Additional zoysia care tips.
Avoid removing more than 1 3 of the total grass blade length at any single mowing to keep your grass thick and healthy.
The zoysia grass needs maintenance and care and the following tips will help you do that.
You should keep the height of the grass limited mow it when it is tall 2inches or 5centimeter.
You should use sharp blade mower.